Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the film?
It is approximately 46 minutes long.
Are captions available?
Yes, captions are available in English and Spanish.
How can I watch the film?
Our impact campaign is currently focused on partnerships with nonprofits, advocacy groups, companies, churches and other organizations who are hosting virtual and in-person screenings and discussion panels. The goals of these events include reaching lawmakers, healthcare providers, company leadership, educators and other members of the non-caregiver community to discuss the issues and start conversations about solutions. If you’re interested in hosting a screening, you can let us know.
The best way to find out about future screening events is to subscribe to our email list.
Why is the film not more widely available?
We are using a proven impact and outreach strategy that starts with exclusive access for organizations, nonprofits, companies, etc. and limited screening events. It puts the film in an environment where organizations can bring their community together to have discussions about solutions.
The film will be available in other ways in the future. We’re currently still in phase one of distribution, and there’s much more to come!
Why isn’t the film on Netflix or other streaming platforms?
We’re still waiting for Netflix to call! In the meantime, by focusing on private screening events, our partners can leverage the film to further their goals around community education, policy changes, awareness, and fundraising that will lead to more support and resources for caregivers.
Why doesn’t the film address more of the positive aspects of being a caregiver?
This film is specifically about the challenges and barriers many parent caregivers are facing because of the lack of support available on individual, organizational and systemic levels. It brings to light the stories of those caregivers who often feel they can’t be open about the difficulties of their situation.
The film certainly does not represent every caregiver’s story, or every facet of the caregiving journey. But unfortunately this film is needed because it IS the story for too many caregivers. The first step to any meaningful change will be acknowledging and understanding the realities of this unseen group.
Why aren’t there more solutions in the film?
There is not a one-size-fits-all solution to an issue this complex that impacts families in very different circumstances. The film is intended to serve as a starting point, making audiences aware of an issue they may not have even known existed. Our partners can then use the film as a tool to support their advocacy efforts, whether they are working in public policy, education, healthcare, faith, or other spheres.
What can I do next?
Caregivers, please check out our Caregiver Toolbox to learn about our partner organizations that are dedicated to serving caregivers.
If you’re looking for practical ways to support caregivers, here are some places to start:
- Check out the discussion and reflection guides for individuals, employers, and healthcare providers that are part of our Viewer Screening Kit.
- Host a screening for your group.
- Consider supporting our Impact Partners.
- Download 12 Ways to Support Parent Caregivers.