1 in 5 working Americans are caregivers.

It’s time to rethink how we support caregivers in the workplace to improve their overall well being and productivity. Explore our practical guides for employers and resources for caregivers and advocates to start building a more caregiver-friendly workplace.

For Employers

Many people will be a caregiver at some point during their lives, likely while they are also working. Employers can benefit from prioritizing and supporting their employees who are also caregivers.


For Caregivers & Advocates

Caregiving is often not a role we choose, but one that is placed upon us. With the right workplace support, caregivers can keep their jobs while caring for a loved one.

Explore Advocate Toolkit


Free Assessment

How Caregiver-Friendly Is Your Workplace?

Take this quiz to learn to what extent your company currently supports caregivers. At the end, you’ll receive a score and a free report detailing what your company is doing right and how it can improve.

Take the Assessment

Start the Conversation at Your Organization with a Screening of the “Unseen” Documentary

We are partnering with organizations of all sizes to host virtual and in-person screening events that jumpstart the conversation about improving support for caregivers in the workplace.

Learn More About Screenings

Homethrive is re-imagining how working family caregivers are supported.

Homethrive offers a unique blend of digital and one-on-one support ensures your employees get the right support for every caregiving situation. We help caregivers balance their caregiving responsibilities with work and their daily lives to improve well-being, productivity and retention.